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Tiegerman School at Woodside » A note from your Principal...

A note from your Principal...


For those of you who do not know me, my name is Nina DeVita and I am honored to be the Principal of Tiegerman School at Woodside.  


In the Summer of 2019, I had the honor and pleasure of working very closely, with the Founder and CEO of Tiegerman School, Dr. Ellenmorris Tiegerman, our CCO Dr. Christine Radziwiecz, and our COO, Dr. Jeremy Tiegerman.  We worked as a team to make sure we had all of our ducks in a row, all of our i’s dotted, and all of our t’s crossed, in order to get this program up and running. 


During this time, Dr. Jeremy said something to me about Dr. T that still sticks in the back of my mind and I find myself repeating it to prospective parents and students.  Dr. T has grown with her students through the entire life cycle.  Let’s think about this…she started Tiegerman, formerly SLCD, in 1985, a small pre-school and elementary school program (36 students, to be exact), then she expanded an additional program for middle school, which then expanded into a High school program, and then a program that helps adults with disabilities, Tiegerman Community Services.  And now, a brand new Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade or age 21 program, here in Woodside.  To be quite honest with you, out of all the principals at all of the Tiegerman Schools, I feel as though I am the luckiest.  It is here, in this building, where we will get to see, in one place, the life cycle of our students.  My hope is that we will see each and every one of our students, graduate from Tiegerman School.


To be a part of Tiegerman School is to be a part of a family.  You are all a part of the Tiegerman School family, and as part of that family, you are a part of the Tiegerman mission. 


The opening of Tiegerman School at Woodside, celebrates the extension of the Tiegerman mission, a mission that we all believe in so deeply and work so hard to achieve.  A mission that is defined simply as “teaching the extraordinary”.  A simple statement that goes so deep.  Think of it… “teaching the extraordinary”.  Students of Tiegerman, that’s what each and every one of you are…extraordinary.  And it is our job and responsibility as Principal, Administrators, Staff Members, Elected Officials, anyone that is part of the Tiegerman School family, to make sure that you receive the best in your education, throughout your life cycle.