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Tiegerman Preschool/Elementary School-Glen Cove » Health Office

Health Office

2023-2024 Health Office Letter


Welcome back!   The Health Office is excited to start the 2023-2024 school year.


Every August we re-acquaint you with Tiegerman’s Health Office Policies and Procedures.  All policies remain the same:    

      • Physical exam required yearly
      • Immunizations must be up-to-date
      • Medication administration must be authorized by both the parent and the physician

Please note: nebulizer treatments at school continue to be reserved for those who cannot use an inhaler. 

      • Yearly documentation of allergies and medication must be on file
      • Acknowledgement and confirmation of food allergy policy must be on file


Please see below for information regarding health and safety measures that can protect us throughout the year.



  • Health checks
    • If you’re child exhibits symptoms of an illness or complains of not feeling well please keep home.
    • If your child exhibits symptoms during the day, they will be brought to the health office and parent will be contacted.
*Make sure the most current emergency contact information is on file at school.
  • Strict adherence to healthy hygiene practices
    • Stay home if sick
    • Model and reinforce proper handwashing at home
    • Model and reinforce proper cough etiquette at home
  • Cleaning and disinfection guidelines strictly adhered to throughout the day


Health and safety are our priority.  As always, it takes a community effort.  Please help us to keep our students safe and optimize their learning environment.  Any questions/concerns please contact your building’s school nurse.


Tiegerman Preschool/Elementary School Nurse: Ms. Ida Puccini

Phone: 516-609-2000 x145

E-mail: [email protected]


Click here to view COVID-19 testing sites



Health Office Forms




Prior to entrance, all new students must submit a health appraisal, which may be dated anytime within the 12 months prior to the child’s start date.  Thereafter, health appraisals are required yearly.

It is strongly recommended that children receive a dental exam at least once a year.  Therefore, we request a yearly dental certificate.




A HIPAA form requesting parental permission for authorization for use or disclosure of protected health information is included with the physical appraisal form.  This form allows for coordinated care and communication between your health care provider and the school nurse.




At this time, the NYSDOH is not issuing exceptions for immunizations because of COVID-19. The Department's stance continues to be that students missing vaccine doses for any reason must comply with Public Health Law Section 2164 requirements.  Children entering or attending school in New York State, including summer school and distance learning, must comply with said requirements.


All schools in the state of New York are required to adhere to state laws regarding immunizations.  The goal is to have all students adequately immunized unless they have been exempted for medical reasons.


Medical exemptions to immunizations must be issued annually.  Requirements are based on age and grade.


A chart summarizing new requirements is available at the NYS Department of Health



Our Medication Policy is based on New York State Law.  Only those medications which are necessary to maintain the student in school and which must be given during school hours should be administered.  Such medication may only be given by school nursing personnel.  Physician and parental authorization is necessary to administer medication at school and orders must be renewed annually or when there is a change in medication or dosage.  This refers to all medication including nonprescription over-the-counter medication.  The parent must assume responsibility to have the medication delivered directly to the health office in a properly labeled original container.  Over-the-counter medication must be in the original manufacturer’s package with the student’s name affixed to the package.  Medications should not be transported daily to and from school.


Medications in the controlled substance category must be dispensed in blister packaging.  If your pharmacy is not able to meet these requests please speak with your school nurse who can suggest a pharmacy that is able to deliver medication right to our school building in blister packaging.


No medication should be brought into school without knowledge of the health office.


The need for communication between parents and appropriate Tiegerman staff is a necessary component of IDEA. Many of our children are placed on various medications by neurologists and psychiatrists. When your child's medications or medication schedules are changed it may impact his/her behavior that results in classroom disruptions and may also impact his/her emotional well-being, and learning style.


Tiegerman has established the following policy to benefit all children:

  • Psychotropic medications are often used for treatment of neurological and psychiatric illnesses. It is our recommendation that students using psychotropic medications be under the care of a psychiatrist or neurologist.
  • Communication between your health care provider and Tiegerman's nurse and/or physician is integral to managing the child within the school and, therefore, it is imperative that parents sign appropriate release forms for this communication to take place.
  • Parents should notify Tiegerman as soon as a psychotropic medication is prescribed and/or dosage changes.


Based on the needs of our student population, Tiegerman requests that parents not send in any nut/peanut products.  However, we will continue strict supervision of our nut/peanut allergic population.

  • Staff are advised of which children are allergic/and their specific symptoms, if known.
  • Allergic children can only eat what is sent in from home.  No sharing of food.
  • All snacks sent in by parents for classroom celebrations must come from list, which is posted on our website.
  • In addition, all snacks provided by TIEGERMAN at school sponsored activities will also come from this list.
  • Lastly, we are requesting that parents of the students with the nut/peanut allergy please send in their own food/snacks for both classroom parties and school wide celebrations.  You will be notified by your child’s teacher when such parties/celebrations will take place.




If you know that your child is going to be absent, you must notify the health office, preferably by 8:00 AM, and state the reason for the absence. We require a written note when the child returns and a doctor's note for an absence of 5 or more consecutive days.  If your child exhibits any symptoms indicating an illness, please do not send your child to school. Children will not be readmitted into school unless they are fever free for 24 hours.   Also, please be aware that all children who have had any contagious illness will not be readmitted to school without a doctor's note stating that they are under treatment and no longer contagious.