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Philanthropy » Ways to Give - Support Extraordinary Teaching

Ways to Give - Support Extraordinary Teaching

Make a One Time Donation Today:
Tiegerman Graduation
Donate to our Annual Campaign  Help make a meaningful impact for people with autism and developmental disabilities and their families by giving to support their ongoing needs. Our community needs your generosity today.


Your support to Tiegerman provides unrestricted funds that afford our school the opportunity to reinforce the programs, projects and initiatives that directly affect all of our students and individuals each day.

Give a Gift of Non-Cash Support:

Gifts of Stock or Appreciated Securities


If your investment portfolio includes low-yielding, highly appreciated stock or securities that have held for more than one year you may want to consider gifting them to Tiegerman. Appreciated property can include publicly traded stocks, bonds, mutual funds, closely held stock, commercial property, farms, personal residences or unimproved land.

Generations Walkway at Tiegerman Middle School:
Brick Samples


Your support of Tiegerman in the form of a brick will be a permanent reminder of your partnership and involvement with the future success of Tiegerman and our students. The decorative bricks will be placed in front of the Middle School entrance walkway.


When you buy a brick, you not only make a gift to Tiegerman, but you also create a lasting honor and impression.


Get your brick today!