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Help Your Child Manage Oral Stimming With These Expert Tips

Is your child engaging in oral stimming? It’s common for babies to do this, and many will naturally grow out of it as they age. But those who don’t may be doing it as a coping mechanism, especially when diagnosed with anxiety or autism. As a parent, you need to know that stopping stimming completely can be difficult. However, there are plenty of strategies you can try to help your child manage their behavior.

What Is Oral Stimming?

Before we discuss strategies, knowing what stimming is can help you better understand your child’s experience. Stimming refers to repetitive actions or behaviors children or individuals with autism, ADHD, and other disorders do to cope with anxiety or sensory overload. Oral stimming is one way this behavior could manifest, including actions like licking, chewing objects, or biting.


How To Help Your Child Manage Oral Stimming

Even if it may seem challenging to manage your little one’s behavior, there are several ways you could help. Here are four common strategies recommended by experts:

Redirect Their Attention

Keeping your child occupied could be a productive way to maintain oral stimming to a minimum. Whenever your child starts to chew on items they’re not supposed to, redirect their attention to something else. For example, if they’re chewing on a marker or crayon, get their favorite drawing book and start coloring with them instead.

Use Straws With Your Child’s Drinks

Another simple strategy is always including a straw when serving your child a drink. Straws are safe and appropriate to chew and can provide the oral sensory input your child needs. There are many types available, including child-friendly silicone ones that are precisely made for intense chewing.

Give Your Child A Chew Stimming Toy

Also known as chewelry, chewable stimming toys can effectively manage your child’s oral stimming. With many shapes, sizes, and textures available, you can find one that best fits your child’s needs and preferences. For example, if they enjoy the feeling of soft toys, a soft, chewy necklace could be an appropriate option.

See A Specialist

While practical strategies can help, it’s important to remember that every child’s development is unique. By working with a speech-language pathologist or occupational therapist, you’ll ensure your child will be getting the help they need. These experienced professionals are trained in creating personalized strategies to help your child succeed.

Our Specialists Are Here To Help

Helping your child with oral stimming may be a challenge. But with some patience and the right strategies, your child can start managing their behavior in no time. Our team of skilled language specialists at Tiegerman is also here to give your child the necessary support for them to excel. With our unique approach, we can create a specialized program that will cater to your child’s needs and manage their stimming behaviors effectively. Please reach out and contact our staff today to find out more.


Photo:Source: troyanphotos (Canva)