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Algebra 1 Part II (Period HR9)

Upcoming Assignments See all

Could not find any upcoming assignments due.

See all posted assignments for this class.


Google Classroom

Going forward, the lesson for the day will be posted by 9AM. There will also be a Google Form to complete for check-in and a reminder with the Extra Help code (the code is also available on Google Calendar).
Extra Help sessions will be done via Google Meet (no more Zoom)- the 9th graders will still have their session 1:00-1:30PM and the 10th graders will still have their session 1:30-2:00PM. Individual extra help is available BY APPOINTMENT 2:00-2:15PM and 2:15-2:30PM daily. 
If you have any questions about any assignments, please make sure you contact that specific teacher or your child's homeroom teacher.

Extra Help

Extra help will be offered daily starting on Monday April 20th. An email has been sent home with the daily codes for each class.
9th Grade Algebra 1:00-1:30pm- Group (Log in at any time) 
10th Grade Algebra 1:30 - 2:00pm - Group (Log in at any time) 
2:00-2:30pm- Individual (Please email [email protected] to sign up in advance)
Space is very limited for individual help so each student will be limited to one individual session per week. 




User ID


Mr. Kriss

Algebra 1 Part 1 9th




Mr.  Kriss.

Algebra 1 Part 2 10th





Zoom Classes Canceled

My short-lived Zoom classes are canceled.
Using Zoom for remote learning has been banned by the Department of Education. We will be switching to a new secure platform for video conferences. I will be rolling out a new schedule for those that want extra help in Math next week.
Sorry for the confusion!
Please email me with any questions.

Update (April 8, 2020)

April 8, 2020

Today's codes are

Algebra 1 Part 1(9th grade):   UOMPK

Algebra 1 Part 2(10th grade): BCGLV

Today is Day 18 assignment which should be right under the Day 17. All assignments will be due the end of the week which is why it say due Friday for everything.

Update (April 7, 2020)

April 7, 2020

Today's codes are

Algebra 1 Part 1(9th grade):   CBIWX

Algebra 1 Part 2(10th grade): EBVGD

Today is Day 17 assignment which should be right under the Day 16. All assignments will be due the end of the week which is why it say due Friday for everything.

REMINDER: If you want to be apart of today's Zoom class email me for the link!

9th Grade: 11-11:30

10th Grade 12-12:30

Zoom Classes

My plan is to have daily Zoom classes for students who want help with the lessons through video conference. These "classes" will begin tomorrow (Tuesday April 7) and will be split by grade level.
If you would like to participate in a zoom on a day, email me your interest and I will send you the code to enter!
9th Grade:   11:00am - 11:30am
10th Grade: 12:00pm - 12:30pm 
You can sign up for free at or download the app on your phone.

Update (April 6, 2020)

April 6, 2020

Today's codes are

Algebra 1 Part 1(9th grade):   QRYDI

Algebra 1 Part 2(10th grade): AUOJP

Today is Day 16 assignment which should be right under the Day 15. All assignments will be due the end of the week which is why it say due Friday for everything.


Update (April 3, 2020)

April 3, 2020

Today's codes are

Algebra 1 Part 1(9th grade):   XMVFS

Algebra 1 Part 2(10th grade): MQPFE

Today is Day 15 assignment which should be right under the Day 14. All assignments will be due the end of the week which is why it say due Friday for everything.

NEXT WEEK I will be setting up times for any students that want any extra help. It will be approximately 30 minute sessions by grade level. You will need access to ZOOM video conference app. When I have more info I will update you.

REMEMBER: You can make up any missing assignments throughout the week.

This weeks codes:

Algebra 1 Part 1(9th grade):   DNVOG  IPRFB  ZNODE  TMVXB  XMVFS

Algebra 1 Part 2(10th grade): KZIUD  IFHUE  YMSBH  BRTXY  MQPFE

Update (April 2, 2020)

April 2, 2020

Today's codes are

Algebra 1 Part 1(9th grade):   TMVXB

Algebra 1 Part 2(10th grade): BRTXY

Today is Day 14 assignment which should be right under the Day 13. All assignments will be due the end of the week which is why it say due Friday for everything.

You can make up any missing assignments throughout the week.

This weeks codes:

Algebra 1 Part 1(9th grade):   DNVOG  IPRFB  ZNODE  TMVXB

Algebra 1 Part 2(10th grade): KZIUD  IFHUE  YMSBH  BRTXY

Update (April 1, 2020)

April 1, 2020

Today's codes are

Algebra 1 Part 1(9th grade):   ZNODE

Algebra 1 Part 2(10th grade): YMSBH

Today is Day 13 assignment which should be right under the Day 12. All assignments will be due the end of the week which is why it say due Friday for everything.

You can make up any missing assignments throughout the week.

This weeks codes:

Algebra 1 Part 1(9th grade):   DNVOG  IPRFB  ZNODE

Algebra 1 Part 2(10th grade): KZIUD  IFHUE  YMSBH

Update (March 31, 2020)

March 31, 2020

Monday was Day 11 technically of online learning. I will be numbering the lessons this way when I post them to help everyone stay in order the best they can.

Today is Day 12 assignment which should be right under the Day 11. All assignments will be due the end of the week which is why it say due Friday for everything.

You can make up any missing assignments throughout the week.

Update (March 30, 2020)

Hello All,
Like most of you were told last week, All of my assignments are now accessed through Along with the interactive slides will be 1-2 videos of myself explaining the days assignments or notes. 
You can now log in to Nearpod directly on my teacher page for each day under "assignments" or continue to login the way you have. Once you complete the lessons I will receive your submissions. I will reach out during the week if I don't see your assignments or feel you are falling behind. If you do not hear from me that's a good thing!
Today's lesson is posted and the assignments for the rest of the week will be posted shortly. If you have any questions let your homeroom teacher know.
Have a great Monday!

Update (March 27, 2020)

Hi all,
Starting next week all of your Algebra work will be completed on The lessons will be new material we have not gone over in class yet this year. Each lesson will contain instructional videos of myself to help (directions, examples etc.) you complete the slides. 
I will post all 5 lessons for the week under "assignments" on my page in the beginning of each week. The assignment will have the lesson name and code to use. I will embed the lessons directly into my page so you can sign on straight from my page on the Tiegerman website. If you're more comfortable using the Nearpod app or website that is fine as well. 
If you have trouble with a lesson please contact your homeroom teacher and they will let me know. I will do my best to reach out to you as quickly as possible. 
Thanks for all your cooperation. Stay safe!
Mr. Kriss

Check-in (March 26, 2020)

Hello All!
Continue to work on this weeks assignments! I know some of you got late start but please do your best to complete them by Monday. The Nearpod lessons are not too time consuming and hopefully we can all avoid falling behind.
Any questions please let your Homeroom teachers know
My email is [email protected]
Have a great day!

Check-in (March 25, 2020)

I am very pleased to see how many students are completing there assignments this week. I automatically receive your Nearpod assignments once you complete the slides. 
I am working on creating GoogleDocs worksheet which will allow you to complete the worksheet and submit it, all on your computer with no need to print. For now, If you would like to complete the handouts on a separate sheet of paper that is fine.
Here is a link to the DocScan app info. If you download the app to your phone you can email completed work straight from your phone to my email. 
Continue to reach out with questions!