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English 11 (Period 4)

Course Description

Students extend their perception of culture and perspective through reading eighteenth, nineteenth and early-twentieth century American literature, and complex informational texts. Composition and preparation for the Common Core English Language Arts Regents with which the course terminates is emphasized.

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Writing Template

This is a template packet for the ending of the text. This can also be used for the "short essay" section of the review sheet. There are no right or wrong answers but all responses need to be justified using textual details and explained thoroughly. it is not an official essay but does require around 6-12 sentences.

Yellow wallpaper notes part 2

This is a series of class notes. It contains part of what we briefly learn/discuss in class. these notes serve as a companion to the text (as you read, this is a brief note of important events and sometimes explains the lines that were read, highlighted, and discussed in class).


Students will take a full period exam on December 13. Some may begin taking the exam on December 12.

Review November 4

Today each student reviewed one vocabulary word which will appear on the exam next week (querulous, deride, amicable, undulation).
You can find vocabulary cards toward the end of the Yellow wallpaper packet.

The Yellow Wallpaper Notes

This is a series of annotations (underlined terms, reviewed concepts, and notes) that students must write and understand as we read the beginning of the text.
This information can be used to complete homework and may be included on class exams.

September 17 Class Review

Today I will review munificent, unobtrusive, and charity.
munificent: very kind; (when describing a gift) more than the usual amount 
unobtrusive: doing something in a way that does not attract attention; humble
charity: to help (such as giving money) to a person or group in need
Important ideas:
- The Usher family had a passion for music and the arts.
- The Usher family was known for donating money
      - The word munificent is important because it shows the family was known 
         for helping out the community. They had a good reputation.
      - The word unobtrusive is important because the word shows that the
         Ushers gave money in order to truly help. They donated money privately 
         because they did not want to show off. 
Some More Explanation:
Sometimes celebrities or other people give money to improve their fame--only so that others think of them as good people. The Usher family wanted to truly help and did not want others to know about their good deeds. They did not need to show off how good and generous they are.