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SA-3 - Fifth Grade

Course Description

SA-3 is a fun filled class that is ready to learn new things every day!  


Here we are working on designing our own reusable bags to help save the oceans!  
Here we are working on designing our own reusable bags to help save the oceans!  
Here we are working on designing our own reusable bags to help save the oceans!  

This week in SA-3...9/23-9/27

Here is a look at what we will be learning about during the week of 9/23-9/27...
Math - We will be learning how to write numbers to the hundred millions in expanded form. 
Science - We will be learning about animal and plants cells and their parts.
ELA - We will be reading fiction and nonfiction texts that tell us how we get things we need.
Social Studies - We will be learning about the mound builders and early people of America. 
**We hope everyone has a great week!**

This week in SA-3...9/16-9/20

Here is a look a what we will be learning this week in SA-3...
Math - We are learning place value to the hundred millions.
Science - We are learning about plant and animal cells. 
Social Studies - We are learning about the first people in America. 
ELA - We are learning about finding details in non-fiction text. 
We hope everyone has a great week! 


Here is a look at what we will be working on in SA-3 this week...
Math - Numbers are EVERYWHERE!  We will be learning about the importance of numbers this week.  We will also be talking about place value up to the hundred thousands. 
Science - We will be learning about the characteristics of living and nonliving things. 
Social Studies - We will be learning about cardinal directions, North, East, South and West!
ELA - We will be working on the START SMART program in Wonders.  This includes having meaningful conversations, vocabulary and close reading of literature.  This will give us a sneak peek into our new curriculum!
We hope that everyone has a great week!