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SA 13

Course Description

Welcome to SA13!  Below you will find a weekly update on topics covered in class as well as any important dates. 
Peek of the Week:
December 16th, 2019
ELA: Key Details: Move It
Math: Subtraction
Science: Matter
Social Studies:  Cardinal Directions
Important Dates
December 18th 12:45pm: Holiday show
December 23rd- January 6th: winter recess no school 
Image result for generosity
December is the month of generosity!
Character Education
Each month, students will learn about  a trait that will help them get along with others and foster leadership skills.  Some students may be nominated as person who has demonstrated the month's specific character trait and their picture will be featured on a display in the main lobby.
This month's trait is generosity. Generosity is wanting or willing to give what you have to others (your time, belongings, etc); not being selfish.
Image result for generosity