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Homeroom 10


This Week in 6th Grade Math - 12/16 - 12/20

This week in math, we'll be finishing our quizzes on Monday. Due to the rehearsals we had last week for the show, not everyone had a chance to finish. Tuesday is the school show, but for those that will have math in the afternoon, they will have a choice to play math games or do dreambox. On Wednesday, everyone will work on their Dreambox lessons. On Thursday, everyone will play math games involving money and time. On Friday, we will practice our basic math skills by doing color-by-number activities that are holiday pictures and require the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve. 

This Week in 6th Grade Math - 12/9 - 12/13

This week in 6th grade math, we will be studying for a quiz on Thursday and Friday that will cover simplifying fractions, converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers. We will work on the studying guide in class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Whatever is not completed by Thursday will be homework that night. 

This Week in 6th Grade Math - 12/2 - 12/6

This week in math, students will be working on converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and mixed numbers to improper fractions. Students will also practice their Dreambox lessons on Friday. 

This Week in 6th Grade Math - 11/25 - 11/27

Students will have the opportunity to practice their money and time skills by playing different math related board games. They will also work on their Dreambox lessons and do some Thanksgiving related activities that will allow them to practice their foundational math skills. 

This Week in 6th Grade Math - 11/18 - 11/22

This week in math, we'll begin working with fractions. We'll begin by multiplying fractions that will also see us simplifying fractions. We will also work on Dreambox lessons and play real-world math games requiring students to use the four operations involving money. 

This Week in 6th Grade Math - 11/12 - 11/15

Students will be working a grocery shopping project using their knowledge about using decimal numbers with the four operations. 

DecimalsProject V1

This is the grocery shopping project we will be working in this week. Students will be adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with decimals as they make their own shopping list, determine how much it will cost, and see what it would cost for more or less people. 

This Week in 6th Grade Math - 11/4 - 11/8

Students will be taking their quiz on dividing with decimals. The quiz will be in three parts: estimating decimals (rounding then dividing), dividing decimal numbers by whole numbers and dividing decimal numbers by decimal numbers. After the quiz, students will work on Dreambox and play real-world math games involving money for the rest of the week.