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Global 10 HR 11 (Period 5)

Course Description


World War II

Hello All, 
This week we will take a close look at Japan and why the United States decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. We will also cover the conclusion of World War II and the war trials.  Enjoy your day off! 
- Mr. Wagner 


Hello All, 
This week we will closely analyze the impacts of Hitler on Germany during the 1930s. For those who are taking the Global history regents please make sure you begin to study. I sent all students home with a folder to help you prepare. SAP is not enough time to prepare for the regents. Everyone must begin to review at home!
- Mr. Wagner 

Russian Revolution Test

Hello All, 
As a reminder you have a test Tuesday May 7th on the Russian Revolution. There is no essay on this exam. Please make sure you study. 
- Mr. Wagner 

Russian Revolution

Hello All, 
I hope you all had a nice break! This week we will continue our studies on the Russian Revolution. We will have a test on the Russian Revolution next Tuesday May 7th. I will hand out your review sheets on Monday. 
- Mr. Wagner 

World War I Test

Hello All, 
On Friday I handed back the World War I tests. Across the board, I was extremely pleased with them. I can see a lot of you prepared your essay ahead of time and it showed. Please remember what you do now, better prepares you for your regents exam in June. Your test corrections on World War I will be due on Thursday. This week we will continue to explore the Russian Revolution 
- Mr. Wagner  

Russian Revolution

Hello All , 
On Monday we are finishing up our World War I essays. The rest of the week we will be discussing the Russian Revolution. As a reminder, Parent Teacher Conferences are Wednesday and Thursday this week! 
- Mr. Wagner 

Global 10

Hello all, 
On Monday you will have an opportunity to finish your essay.  Starting on Tuesday we will begin World War I.  I will post when I finish grading your tests and when test corrections are due.  
- Mr. Wagner 

Test Wednesday

Hello All, 
I hope you enjoyed your snow day. Since we missed our review game today, we will push the test back till Wednesday. Let me know tomorrow if you have any questions. See you tomorrow! 
- Mr. Wagner 

Test Tuesday March 5th

Hello All,
This week we will continue our studies on the partition of India. We will have test on Tuesday March 5th  The review sheets went home yesterday. Please study for this test! If you have any questions let me know 
- Mr. Wagner 

British Imperialism In India

Hello all, 
This week we will continue our studies on British Imperialism in India. We will cover the Sepoy Rebellion and the positive and negative of British Rule in India. 

England takes over China

Hello All, 
This week in class we will analyze the impact's the British Empire had on China. I also graded your tests on Africa. I will hand them back on Tuesday.  Test corrections will be due next Tuesday. 
- Mr. Wagner 

Test on Imperialism

Hello All,
As a reminder you have a test on Imperialism in Africa Tomorrow.  We will review in class today.  Please make sure you study for this test.  If you have any questions please let me know 
- Mr. Wagner 

Imperialism in Africa

Hello All, 
Good Luck on your regents exam! This week we will finish our essay on Imperialism. We have our test next Tuesday January 29th on Imperialism. 
- Mr. Wagner  


Hello All, 
This week we will continue our studies on the Imperialism of Africa. We will further discuss the Berlin Conference and the Positive and Negatives of Imperialism. I will wait and give you the test on Imperialism after the regents. So that means our test on Africa will be on 1/29.  Good luck to the students who are taking Living Environment!
- Mr. Wagner